Debit Card Security, Identity Theft Prevention and Protecting Yourself Online
We are in a world where thieves are preying more and more on individuals to access their bank accounts. At Lena State Bank, we do all that we can to ensure that this does not happen.
The FDIC released a guide for bank customers on cybersecurity. Find safety precautions for Internet banking or shopping, how to avoid identity theft online, the roles of banks and the government in protecting customers and additional resources from the FDIC:
A Bank Customer’s Guide to Cybersecurity
Debit Card Security
All debit card activity is monitored by a fraud protection system called Defense Edge. It determines transactions are “fraudulent” based on:
- Locale- for example, if most of your transactions are completed in Illinois, and you make purchases in California, Defense Edge will flag the transaction as possibly fraudulent (when traveling, notify us of your travel plans).
- Lots of purchases- making numerous purchases is also something that can trigger Defense Edge into thinking fraudulent purchases are being made.
- Any purchases or transactions that match similar purchasing trends worldwide that are known to be fraudulent.
When the system is triggered, a representative from Lena State Bank or JHA Card Fraud Center will contact you to verify the transactions as being legitimate. If the transaction is verified as fraudulent, Lena State Bank will block the card for you. It is vital to ensure we have your current phone number and address on file so we can get in contact with you as soon as possible.
When using your debit card, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. Watch for anyone who is watching your transaction, as well as any suspicious coverings on the card slot. When you are online, be aware of possible phishing websites and emails that request your Debit Card information. Most importantly, never give out your PIN number.
If you have lost your debit card or believe it has been stolen, call 1-888-297-3416.
Identity Theft Prevention
Your identity is the most precious thing you have, making it a prime target for thieves. Protecting your identity requires you to be alert at all times when you are providing any kind of personal information to someone.

Try these Identity Theft Prevention Tips
- Never provide personal information in any way unless you initiated the conversation or contact and you have verified who you are working with.
- Do not carry your social security card or birth certificate with you.
- Make sure your checks do not have your phone number or social security number printed on them.
- When you receive mail or other paper documents with personal information on them, shred before you recycle them.
- Do not leave mail sitting in your mailbox; retrieve it on the day it is brought, or have a trusted family member, friend or neighbor pick it up for you. You can also put your mail on hold if you are going to be out of town for awhile.
- Create strong passwords that don’t have a reference to your name, birthday, children’s names or other easily identifiable information.
- Be aware of “phishing emails,” emails sent by thieves to steal your information, these types of emails can include:
- Emails that urge you to act quickly or your account will be closed or suspended.
- Emails asking you to update your personal information.
- Emails that ask for account numbers, passwords, login information or other personal information
- Protect your home computer with anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-spyware for your computer.
- Update your security systems on your computer regularly.
- Check your credit score. You get one free look each year at your credit score from any of the three credit reporting agencies:
- Equifax-; to order your credit report, call: 1-800-685-1111; to report fraud, call: 1-800-525-6285
- Experian-; to order your credit report or report fraud, call: 1-888-EXPERIAN (397-3742)
- Transunion-; to order your credit report, call: 1-800-916-8800; to report fraud, call: 1-800-680-7289
When it comes to protecting your identity, you cannot be too careful. For more information about protecting your identity and identity fraud, go to the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Information website.
If your identity has been stolen, take immediate action to limit the damage and protect your good name. This Identity Theft Emergency Repair Kit provides step-by-step instructions and necessary forms to help restore your identity. You can also use the online resource and check list from the Federal Trade Commission:
If you think your identity may have been stolen, contact us right away at (815) 369-4901.
Elder Abuse is a serious health problem in the United States. The CDC works to understand the problem of elder abuse and prevent it. For more information, visit the CDC's website. You may also reference the Elder Abuse Fact Sheet.